I JUST DON'T HAVE THE TIME Written by Lanie Deppe
How many times have you caught yourself saying that? Have you ever sat back and actually thought why? Not to be Captain Obvious, but we clearly live in an age where everything is fast paced. An age where everything is at our finger tips; instantaneous. We cram so much in our day to day because with advancements in technology it’s so easy to multitask. So when you think of how much more efficient we are, how much more we’ve accomplished as a human race, what we do on a day to day basis, we must be on the right track right? In my mind, it’s been somewhat of a recipe for disaster.
Competition is everywhere in everything we do. We want to be seen as the hardest working, accomplishing the most, creating and developing more than someone else, have the most likes and followers, have the best car and/or house, have started a family... it’s in every aspect of life. It’s what pushes us. Everyone’s on that “grind”. If we aren’t busy, we’re lazy.
I’ve most definitely been guilty of saying “I can’t, I’m too busy”, or just like above, “I just don’t have the time”. It’s like a badge of honor. It wasn’t until I really took a step back in life and assessed what I value and what I want did I really stop and ask myself why I’ve been saying that. Because if we aren’t spending our time doing things that we value and find important with the people we love, is it all really worth it?
The phrase that time and time again I go back to is you make time for things that are important to you. I’ve almost made that my life slogan and relay it back to most aspects of my life – friends and family, relationships, work, health, finances, you name it. While I have definitely not mastered this by any means, keeping that simple phrase in my mind has helped me to prioritize things a lot better. It’s helped to cancel out the noise in this fast-paced society. It’s helped me to not get lost. It’s helped me to live the life that I want to live surrounded by people I love. It’s helped me get back to me.
Life, as it does, happens, and throws curve balls at you and it’s very easy to put certain things on the back burner. It’s easy to get caught up and wake up 5 years down the road thinking to yourself, “What just happened?”. But you are in the driver’s seat, you have control. Wake up, see the world, and enjoy your life. You only get one. Are you making the time for things that are important to you?